






特贾斯维莉·尼南贾纳(Tejaswini Niranjana)目前担任香港岭南大学文化研究系教授和系主任,她也是印度艾哈迈达巴德大学艺术与科学学院的访问学者。她是印度班加罗尔文化与社会研究中心的联合创办人,该中心在2000—2012年期间开设了创新性的跨学科博士项目。2012—2016年期间,她是孟买塔塔社会科学院印度高等教育语言中心的主任,也是维基百科的印度语言顾问。她的著作包括《为翻译定位:历史,后结构主义和殖民语境》(伯克利,1992)、《调动印度:在印度与特立尼达之间的女性,音乐与移民》(杜伦,2006),以及即将出版的关于孟买音乐热的专著。她最近同王晓明共同编辑出版《现在的谱系:定位亚际文化研究》(德里,2015)。


Tejaswini Niranjana is currently Professor and Head,Department of Cultural Studies,Lingnan University,Hong Kong. She is also Visiting Professor with the School of Arts and Science at Ahmedabad University,India. She is co-founder of the Centre for the Study of Culture and Society,Bangalore,which offered an innovative inter-disciplinary PhD programme from 2000 —2012. During 2012—2016,she headed the Centre for Indian Languages in Higher Education at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences,Mumbai,and was Indian-language advisor to Wikipedia. She is the author of Siting Translation:History,Post-structuralism and the Colonial Context(Berkeley,1992),Mobilizing India:Women,Music and Migration between India and Trinidad(Durham,2006),and a forthcoming monograph on musicophilia in Mumbai. Her most recent edited volume,with Wang Xiaoming,is Genealogies of the Present:Situating Inter-Asia Cultural Studies(Delhi,2015).